
Okay, what type of loan?


What type of property?

Single Family Residence
Multiple Family Residence
Condominium / Townhouse
Manufactured Home

What will this property be used for?

Primary Residence
Vacation Home
Investment Property

What is the property Zip?

Zip Required

What is the approximate property value?


What is the mortgage balance?


Approximate FICO score




Under 620

Need Cash?


What is the property address?

Address Required

Final Step!

First Name Required

Last Name Required

Email Required

Phone Number Required

Type of Loan:
Property Type:
Property Use:
Property Value:
Mortgage Balance:
Cash Out:
Street Address:
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:


Community Involvement Initiatives

Olive Crest: Be the Miracle Wish Slips

Every year we sponsor a gift drive with Olive Crest. Olive Crest works with thousands of children that either are or have been victims of neglect and are in the foster care system. Many of these kids enter the foster care system with nothing but the clothes on their back and are in need of almost anything. The gift drive will concentrate on wish slips. There is an example of a wish slip below. The children write down one item they wish they could receive for the holidays and a donor fills their wish the gift goes straight to the child on the slip. We feel this is a huge opportunity for a simple gift to make a massive impact on the future.

olivecrest charity we partner with

(Sample wish slip)

Interested donors may contact Olive Crest Directly.

Council on Aging: SmileMakers Wish Slips

SmileMakers do something similar in that they provide holiday gifts for those in need. In this case, community support is gathered to provide gifts for the elderly and disabled adults in skilled nursing and residential care facilities. Thousands of elderly adults are isolated and alone for the holidays a simple gift for them can make a huge impact on their quality of life and psychological wellbeing.

Interested donors may contact the SmileMakers at the Council of Aging directly.

American Research Council (ARC)

Bringing the next generation open-source tools and research to the next generation of students. Our focus will be on decreasing the length of technological development cycles.

(coming soon)

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